Reminding You to Take Care of You this Holiday


  In the heart of the North Pole, Mrs. Claus was bustling about, ensuring everything was in order for the fast-approaching Christmas Eve. Th...

 In the heart of the North Pole, Mrs. Claus was bustling about, ensuring everything was in order for the fast-approaching Christmas Eve. The workshop hummed with activity, elves scurried to and fro, and the scent of freshly baked cookies filled the air. Yet, amidst the festive chaos, Mrs. Claus felt a twinge of weariness.

Stepping outside for a breath of crisp winter air, she noticed Frosty the Snowman joyfully entertaining a group of young elves, his laughter echoing through the snowy landscape. His carefree demeanor brought a smile to her face. Sensing her presence, Frosty tipped his hat and approached.

"Why, Mrs. Claus, you look a bit tired. Everything all right?" he inquired, his coal-black eyes filled with concern.

She sighed softly. "Oh, Frosty, it's the same every year. So much to do, so many to care for. I sometimes forget to take a moment for myself."

Frosty nodded understandingly. "You know, Solange Knowles once said, 'When you take care of yourself, you're a better person for others. When you feel good about yourself, you treat others better.'

Perhaps it's time you heeded that advice."

Mrs. Claus chuckled softly. "Wise words indeed. But with Christmas Eve tomorrow, how can I find the time?"

"Even a few moments can make a difference," Frosty replied gently. "Come, let's take a short walk. The fresh air will do you good."

As they strolled through the snow-covered paths, Mrs. Claus felt the weight on her shoulders begin to lighten. The serene beauty of the North Pole, the shimmering lights, and the gentle crunch of snow underfoot provided a much-needed respite.

"You know," Frosty began, "I wasn't always this jolly. There were times I felt overwhelmed too. But I learned that taking a moment to breathe, to appreciate the world around me, made all the difference."

Mrs. Claus looked at him thoughtfully. "It's easy to forget oneself in the midst of caring for others. But you're right. A little self-care can go a long way."

As they returned to the workshop, Mrs. Claus felt rejuvenated. She decided to delegate some tasks to the capable elves and took a moment to enjoy a warm cup of cocoa by the fire. The simple act of pausing, of allowing herself a brief respite, filled her with renewed energy and joy.

That evening, as she and Santa prepared for the night's journey, Mrs. Claus felt a deep sense of contentment. She realized that by taking care of herself, she was better equipped to spread love and joy to others.

As the sleigh bells jingled and the reindeer took flight, Mrs. Claus whispered a silent thank you to Frosty. His timely reminder had not only brightened her day but had also rekindled the true spirit of the season within her heart.

And so, with a twinkle in her eye and warmth in her soul, Mrs. Claus joined Santa on their magical journey, embodying the essence of self-love and care, ready to share that very magic with the world.

As the night sky sparkled above, she remembered another quote by Solange Knowles: 'When you feel good about yourself, you treat others better.'

With her heart full, she knew this to be true.

SurvivorAffirmations is a project started by the creators of These positive affirmations of for Survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence, incest, rape, FGM, and related trauma.

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Survivor Affirmations : Reminding You to Take Care of You this Holiday
Reminding You to Take Care of You this Holiday
Survivor Affirmations
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